I live in New England. Since it's currently February it's very cold! There are buildings collapsing, water dripping into crevices of windows and walls and icicles so big you could joust with them (but who actually jousts anymore these days? It's a lost art I tell you.) Oh, and snow. Lots and lots of snow. But that's not really about me, that was just my Winter rant. Sorry. Another thing about me: I'm not a huge fan of Winter.
I'll tell you a little bit more about my family. My husband Kevin and I have been married for almost 8 years (anniversary coming up in 11 days!). We're both from Connecticut however we met in Ohio! How we met is actually a very cool story, but I'll save that for another time. (That's my pathetic attempt at trying to hook you into reading future posts. Did it work? Huh huh??) Kevin is a math and science-oriented computer geek er, I mean programmer and I am more of a go-with-the-flow, artsy-fartsy, musician type. He listens to country music which makes me cringe, and I sing opera. His favorite movies involve alien invasions with bad special effects while I love me a good drama or chick flick. We're an odd pair but we work. :) We have 2 little boys and one sweet little girl who is growing up way too quickly. I meant to post pictures of each of them for you below but since I'm new to this whole blogging thing I seem to be having trouble getting the photos to appear where I want them. Please bear with me while I work out the kinks! :) So, ahem...at the TOP of this post are pictures of us. Luke is my oldest son, he's 5 1/2 years old. He has a heart of gold and is enthusiastic about life in general. My second son, Adam, is 3 years old. He is my little melancholy man. He is intense, fiercely independent, and broods more effectively than a Jane Austin character. But he is also the sweetest and silliest little guy...when he wants to be. Megan is just sixteen months old so her personality is unfolding a bit more with each passing month. She is very sweet, very dainty and obsessed with stuffed animals. Thaaaaat's us in a nutshell. Help!! I'm trapped in a nutshell! Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)
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