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Monday, February 28, 2011

One Thousand Gifts (part 3)

Inspired by Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts, I've been making my own list of everyday gifts. God gifts. Starting at one and continuing to 1,000 here is my journey of gratitude:

11. Kids making snow angels. Little arms and legs pumping, cheeks pink, faces aglow with joy

12. Great conversations with sister and good friends-getting filled up with love and encouragement

13. Daughter's singing and dancing. Swaying in time to the sweet melody of innocence and unselfconscious joy

14. Cardinal in the shrubs. Shock of red against dead Winter brush

15. Child conversations spoken in the secret language just for brothers. Navigating the world and their understandings together.

16. Looking through a kaleidoscope with the boys--patterns and color working in partnership to create beauty.

...more to come


  1. I love it! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I still feel the gratitude and excitement from our awesome weekend! :)
    love, Katie

  2. I love the photo of the cardinal. Cardinals are very dear to my heart. And I love the photos of your little ones in your header with their pink cheeks and the little baby's cold pink nose! So kissably cute!

  3. That is a nice actvity and I can say that you have got the best blessings of the God. I think that the list will be countless but it will be good to list a gift each day.

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