You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead — your next stop, the...
PSYCHO ZONE!!!!!!!!!
That's right, you've officially broken outside of the boundaries of reality and entered a strange new land. Though moms don't often speak of their journeys to this land, the road is well-trodden and deeply familiar. The trip is never voluntary, yet we walk. Alone, we walk. The path is a veritable wasteland of littered toys, dirty dishes and spilled milk (And, yes in the Psycho Zone moms actually DO in fact, cry over spilled milk).
The destination? A warm bath, an early bedtime and a nice massage. But will you ever get there? Mwahahahahahahahahahaha...perhaps. But only after painful hours of child-induced peril. Be brave, oh fellow sojourner. And take ear plugs. :)
Below is the transformation from a regular happy enough normal (ok, well, I don't know if I can go so far as to say normal!!:p) mom, into a mom who has entered the Psycho Zone.
Step 1 : A regular happy enough day
The destination? A warm bath, an early bedtime and a nice massage. But will you ever get there? Mwahahahahahahahahahaha...perhaps. But only after painful hours of child-induced peril. Be brave, oh fellow sojourner. And take ear plugs. :)
Below is the transformation from a regular happy enough normal (ok, well, I don't know if I can go so far as to say normal!!:p) mom, into a mom who has entered the Psycho Zone.
Step 1 : A regular happy enough day
Step 2: Hmmmm...something isn't sounding too spiffy up there but it sounds mostly under control....
Step 3: Ok, what was that sound?! It sounded oddly like something breaking....
There's room for one more!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mwahahahahahahahaha!
So by now you might be wondering WHY ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH I would voluntarily post these truly awful pictures of myself for all the world to see. And to that I would answer because there's this really fun contest going on at a blog I follow: We Are THAT Family. The author, Kristen Welch just wrote this book:

The contest is to make your best "Don't Make Me come up There" face. And I knew I had to set aside every last shred of dignity and publicly post my truly awful mad face!! I just HAD to! And, after having a TERRIBLE evening with my kiddos, I felt inspired to write about the PSYCHO ZONE!!!! Hope you enjoyed it. :)

The contest is to make your best "Don't Make Me come up There" face. And I knew I had to set aside every last shred of dignity and publicly post my truly awful mad face!! I just HAD to! And, after having a TERRIBLE evening with my kiddos, I felt inspired to write about the PSYCHO ZONE!!!! Hope you enjoyed it. :)

By-the-way, this is my "classic" reeeeeeaaaallly realllllllllllly mad face that my sister and I make whenever we're telling stories to each other. It always cracks us up. It makes me look like I'm 80 years old and someone needs to throw me from a proverbial train. But hey, I'm not above a little public humliation for entertainment purposes. ;) (OBVIOUSLY.) And while we're discussing bad photos these are ALL really awful. (Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that I took them myself at 11:00pm by the dim blue light of a computer screen could it?! Nah.)
Haha this post was amusing. And witty. Love the scary mom pictures though. I can clearly picture the transition from cool and calm to the psycho zone.