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Monday, March 28, 2011

One Thousand Gifts (part 7)

Inspired by Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts, I've been making my own list of everyday gifts. God gifts. Starting at one and continuing to 1,000 here is my journey of gratitude. This week we have all been sick, which has forced us to slow down. Illness takes us outside of our normal routines which give us new eyes, so long as we keep them open. He is always blessing us with good gifts, even in challenging times. And so I continue to name His good gifts, thankful for His endless blessings:

49. warm and cozy bed with good book

50. Northern Flicker at my bird feeder

51. Sick brothers snuggled on couch

52. Corny 5-year old puns

53. Son's Easter Egg drawing

54. freshly baked chocolate chip cookies

55. tote bag stuffed with new library books

56. cheery sunlight melting Spring snow

57. chocolaty daughter cheeks

58. toddler tickles-delicious peals of laughter

59. cold virus that forces us all to slow down

60. daughter smiling my smile; my mom's smile. 3 generations of same smile

61. Hair bow securing cornsilk toddler wisps

62. Goldfinch with cheery yellow Spring feathers

63. Chubby toddler fingers doing puzzle

...more to come

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  1. I heart Mondays nowadays, and I’m here from Ann’s again.

    First – hope everyone is better – or getting there. And my favorite from your list today – 63. Chubby toddler fingers doing puzzle (and although the first bow was beautiful – this second one is the winner – well done.) Freedom to stay home while my husband took the girls.the polite dog helped, (good for him – good for them – good for you!!)

    God Bless and keep you and yours

  2. #57 was the best for me. That chocolate face was just perfect, and it looked to me that that cookie was winner. Sorry to hear about illness, but pray you are all feeling better. Thank you for posting your list. It was good to have been here!
