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Monday, April 11, 2011

One Thousand Gifts (part 8)

Inspired by Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts, I've been making my own list of everyday gifts. God gifts. Starting at one and continuing to 1,000 here is my journey of gratitude. So much to be thankful for this week--my heart is full of His blessings!

64. 3 year-old playing peek-a-boo

65. kids catching dust in sunlight

66. laughing out loud with good friends

67. caring loving friends who offer kind words

68. eggplant pizza

69. weekend away in Boston

70. old brick buildings full of history and stories

71. ornate streetlamps

72. street performers

73. music concert-communal joy of listening

74. China Town--chopsticks, chinese fans, floral teapots and adorable trinkets

75. coming home to first daffodil in bloom

76. sunny bridge over sparkly waters

77. walking into house of hugging kids and husband who missed me

78. loving husband who listens and helps

79. Male and female cardinal--breaking bread in feathered delight

80. toddler voice saying "monkeys" ("muk-eeezzz!")

81. sneakers without socks

82. kids on see-saw

83. brisk Spring walk

84. sunny skies after the rain

85. sweet teenage girl telling me daughter is "mad cute!"

86. childrens egg hunt-little feet running giddy with excitement

87. Spring Cleaning-passing on the no longer needed to new homes

88. rowdy squirrels chasing in woods-leaping through treetops

89. outside with no coat

90. kids sleeping in--extended quiet time in morning

91. flock of birds feeding at dusk-- last snack before bed

92. father and son playing checkers

93. poetry that ignites the soul

94. husband who brings cake and flowers for no reason at all, other than love

...more to come

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