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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Kid-Craft: Pumpkin Sun-Catchers

Now that Autumn is upon us the kids and I have been getting our craft on--pumpkin style! Just thought I'd share this "oldie but goodie" craft idea with you just in case you want to try it out. It's a lot of fun! Without further ado, I present to you...(drumroll):

Pumpkin Crayon Sun-Catchers!


--an iron
--wax paper
--orange and green crayons
--pencil sharpener or cheese grater


1. Peel the paper off a few orange and green crayons, keeping them in separate containers (I know, I know they're not in separate containers yet in my picture!). We used a few different shades of each, just for variety. To make your shavings you can either grate them with a cheese grater or sharpen them with a pencil sharpener. I opted for the latter which worked great! (But I will warn you that your hands will be really sore from alllllll of that sharpening lol! Child labor is beautiful thing in order to spare your hands the pain! :p)

2. Place the orange and green shavings on a sheet of wax paper. I drew a rough pumpkin sketch with crayons to help the kids know where to place their shavings. You don't need to go too heavily on the shavings because they spread a lot when they melt. So, don't worry about small bare spots here and there. You'll want to leave a few inches of extra paper on all sides to allow for spreading and avoid a leaky mess! Our pumpkins "grew" quite a bit once we heated 'em up!

3. Once your pumpkin design is complete, place a second sheet of wax paper on top “sandwiching” the shavings.

4. Using an iron on low heat gently press the wax paper keeping the iron moving constantly. The melting happens very quickly so you'll probably only need about 10 seconds of ironing. Note: Don't over-do the ironing or else the wax paper will melt!

5. As your crayon shavings melt your festive pumpkin will appear before your eyes!

6. Let your pumpkin cool for a few minutes and then cut into desired shape. I went over the outline with a black crayon to help the kids know where to cut. Viola!

7. Just hang your pumpkin in a sunny spot and enjoy the cheerful glow of autumn!

Hip Homeschool Hop ButtonClassified: Mom


  1. Simple and fun!! I'm kicking myself right now, because I just ran out of wax paper yesterday. I will have to grab some today. :) Stopped by from the Hop.

  2. Oh, those are cute!! I am starting a Linky Party if you want to link up at

  3. that is neat im going to try to make those for my windows

  4. I love these! What a fun idea. I am so going to try these with my girls. Now to find a sharpener. I am a new GFC and Twitter follower from WFMW. Vicky from

  5. What a great idea! One question: Any issues with the crayons melting further from being in the sun?

  6. @~JessSo glad you like it! Thankfully we've had no problems with additional melting and ours are placed in a VERY sunny window.

  7. That is a pretty cool idea that I have pinned! Thank you for linking up to the The Sunday Showcase

  8. These are so neat. I remember making these when I was a kid! I would love it if you'd link this up on my blog carnival Family Time Tuesday!

