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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Make an Easter Story Wreath {free printables!}

Inspired by the Easter Story Wreath I saw at Oriental Trading (pictured below), I thought it'd be fun to draw my own version for kids to color, cut and assemble!

I wanted to include Pentecost in my wreath (it's not included in the one above) and also add scripture verses to make it tell the Easter story in better detail. (And by-the-way, I really didn't care for the "happy hippy" Jesus in their wreath--I mean, he's SMILING during the agony in the garden? Really?) So anyway, here is my own version of an Easter Story Wreath. Please feel free to print as many as you like! There are three documents to print (2 image docs and one scripture egg doc).

To assemble the wreath simply print, color and cut out the images. For a wreath base I used a large circle (approx. 11 1/2 " in diameter) cut from a 12" x 12" piece of cardstock:

I arranged the pictures to "tell" the story from Palm Sunday (starting on the top right) through Pentecost (placed in the top center). If you're interested in making this wreath I'm sure you're already very familiar with the order of the events, but I will go ahead and list them just in case:

1. Jesus enters Jerusalem (palm branch and donkey pictures)

2. The Last Supper (bread and wine pictures)

3. Jesus Prays in Gethsemane (praying hands picture)

4. Jesus is Crucified (cross picture)

5. Resurrection (empty tomb picture)

6. Ascension (Jesus in clouds picture)

7. Holy Spirit Comes Down (dove and flames pictures)

Here is an example of an assembled wreath will look like:

I overlapped some of the pictures on top of each other to make them fit nicely--feel free to arrange them however you like! Glue stick or Glue Dots work well to affix the pictures to the wreath base.

 You can print the wreath images by clicking on the links below:

Easter Wreath Pictures Page 1 of 3 (Microsoft doc)

Easter Wreath Pictures page 2 of 3 (Microsoft doc)

Easter Wreath Pictures page 3 of 3 (Microsoft doc)

NOTE: Some people have mentioned that their scripture eggs are printing out blank.  If you experience this, you can try editing the document to re-arrange the order of the "egg shape" to send it to the back.  This has fixed the issue for most people.  I hope that helps.

If you are still unable to print the eggs with scripture in them, you can also print the text separately and simply cut and paste it onto the blank eggs.  Below is the document with the scripture verses by themselves:

 Scripture Verses TEXT ONLY (microsoft doc)

I hope this wreath helps make the Easter season more meaningful for your family!

Sharing With:

Raising Homemakers


  1. Love it. Definitely gonna make this. Thanks for sharing.


    1. So glad you like it! Happy Easter! :)

    2. Just getting to your email but will definitely use it next year for RCIY!!!! Thank you!

    3. Erin,

      I thank you for having this project and allowing us to use it. I definately liked your revision on the graphics. I am sure that this project is used over and overmy many. A great piece to work with and explain to the children in class.

    4. I love this project. My eggs were blank also. However,when I saved the printable in word, the scripture printed. An idea for those who aren't comfortable with the editing feature. Thank you for sharing your gift.

    5. Thank you! We made this in religion class, and the students enjoyed it. I like that they can hang it up at home and have a reminder of the entire Easter story.

  2. Awesome! Thanks Erin, this is a fantastic idea! We've been trying to follow the Triduum with stories and crafts, and this will be perfect for Saturday afternoon before we attend the Vigil:)

    1. You're welcome Patty! So glad you guys can use it to make the Triduum more meaningful! Have a blessed Easter! :)

  3. This is beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing.

  4. Hi! One of my kids actually made the Oriental Trading version of the wreath-we actually still have it. But, I love yours!! I totally want to do this one. Thanks so much for sharing it :)

  5. Awesome craft. we will be doing this! Thank you for sharing!

  6. This is really cute! Just shared on Pinterest. (Just a heads up- I used to share my downloads via Scribd, but after the downloads are a year old Scribd starts charging people to download them.)

    1. Thanks-glad you like it! :) That's a bummer about Scribd-thanks for the FYI. Any recommendations for alternative document-sharing sites?

    2. Teacherspayteachers or teachersnotebook. You can set the price to free and then people can download them and print as many as they want

    3. I loved this idea and just tried to print for my little ones to do today and I have to pay a minimum of $9 for a one day pass to Scrib :(

    4. Please scratch my above reply. I was able to print off through without any problem. Thank you and congrats on the new baby! Happy Easter :)

  7. awesome craft!! thanks for sharing!!

    1. You're very welcome! Glad you like it! :)

    2. Hi Erin

      I tried downloading or printing this from the webpage but are unable to. It says page not available. Are you able to maybe email me the printables please. I would like to do this for our Sunday School kids.

      Thank you in advance.

  8. Hi Erin! I'm your new follower! This is a great project! Thanks for taking the time to create it and share it with us!
    God Bless!

  9. Love this! I am also following you! I found you via Catholic Icings Link up!

  10. Love this, Erin. I can't wait to do this with some of the older children using our church nursery this season! I am having trouble getting the third page to load, though. Anyone else? Thanks for sharing your talent!

  11. Cool idea - - your pictures are lovely. You can share through Google docs, too - - at least I think so.

  12. Hello Erin..not able to download this awesome you have another method for downloading?

  13. Hi Erin!
    Is there a way to download this Easter Wreath other than via Scribd? I love the concept!
    Thanks so much!

  14. Love this but can you download it a different way? I don't subscribe to Scribd and would prefer not to have to pay for that service! Thanks in advance.

  15. Love this but can you download it a different way? I don't subscribe to Scribd and would prefer not to have to pay for that service! Thanks in advance.

  16. This looks really good. I want to do it with my 2nd graders during their Bible class before Easter. Can you add the file somewhere else so that it can be downloaded? (Teacherspayteachers or teachersnotebook both allow free downloads... the person just has to create an account)

  17. This craft looks great! I was hoping to do this one but I don't subscribe to a few others I'd love to be able to download it a different way if possible!

  18. I would like to have this download but will not pay to Scribd. Would it be possible to get them emailed to me? Thank you I enjoyed your blog!

  19. Hello Erin - I found you through Pinterest.

    Thank you for the amazing work you did with this - I was able to download thru google docs.
    God bless you!

  20. Thank you so much for this! I really liked the idea of the kit from Oriental Trading, but this is so much more meaningful and beautiful! Great work, and thank you for sharing!

  21. What a beautiful job you did remaking this into a more 'Catholic' version. Thank you so much for sharing it.

  22. Hi, I am trying to download this through google docs and just get a blank page. Could you email it to me at Thank you so much!

  23. For some reason two of the verses in the circles are not showing up, is there a way you could send them to me by e-mail?

  24. Thanks, Erin for making this available for free. I made one last year, but am hoping to do one with a friend's daughter. Two of the Bible verses don't print inside the eggs, but easily taken care of by editing in word. Thanks again - - love the pictures!


  25. Erin, I ADORE this idea. Like others, I'm unable to download and don't really feel like paying Scribd for one download. Anyway you might be able to email me? I teach at a private Christian school and would love to use this before Easter. Thank you so much!!!!

    Emily Young

  26. When i downloaded them, there was nothing on the page. Did you remove them?

  27. Hi Erin, I found your log through Stephanie's Pinterest board. What a cute idea! Adding the scripture verse makes it more meaningful for children. It's good for them to connect I to the bible. May God bless you for your creativity and generous heart! I haven't tried to download it yet so I hope it works!

  28. Hi! I love this and am hoping to make it with my kiddos. Iget a blank page through google docs. Would you mind emailing it to me?
    Thank you!
    loveclanx7 at gmail dot com

  29. I wasn't able to download them either. Would you mind emailing it out to me as well?

    Or give a tip on how you created it so I can attempt it on my own! God bless.

  30. Ok scratch that last request :) It did download after all. Thanks you and God bless!

  31. You read my mind. I saw that wreath idea last year on OTC website and thought surely that can be done with the focus on Christ. Thank you!!!!!

  32. This is just perfect for my religious ed class that I teach on Wednesday nights. However I can't print it! Not sure about the odt document. Thanks

  33. I also get a blank page through Google docs ... will you email to me at
    Many thanks!
    God bless.

  34. I love this idea and want to do it for a project this weekend with my little kids' religious class. I don't subscribe to Scribd, and the ODT files have a grey background on them. Could you share a MS Word or PDF file as well? If so, that's great. If not, that's ok, too. Thanks!

  35. Wow! Did you draw this pictures? I have to say that you are very creative! Thank you so much for sharing them. I think we are going to use the pieces in like a timeline format on the wall so that we can do 1 piece a day. Then, on Easter we are going to make the wreath. Thanks again!

  36. I love this for the children at chruch.It will will not let me print it at all.If u would send it to me in a email I would love it . Thanks Stacie

    IF u cant I will understand

  37. What a great idea! I seem to be having the same problems as everyone else. If at all possible would you send me the pics as well?

    Thanks much!

  38. I am just getting blank pages when I download! :( I love this idea. Is there a way you can email them to me?

    Thanks so much -

  39. Erin,
    i really want to do this with a few students of mine and will not do it through Scribed, but when i clicked on your other link it said it would be one hour to download one page!!!! can you please send as attachment to my email
    thanks for pinning and for forwarding to me

  40. Hi,
    I am really loving your Easter Wreath but I am having the same problem as the ladies above me. It says that the documents are locked when I try to download them. I am not the best tech savvy person around so I have no clue how to correct that. Is there another way that I can get these documents besides the paid version? My email is if you are willing to email them. I appreciate the time you are putting out for this wonderful craft. I am hoping to share this with our Sunday school classes.
    Thank You,

  41. Hi,
    I'm having difficulties downloading these wonderful documents of yours, as I'd love to use them with my prep class. Could you please email them to me on Thanks. F.

  42. Hi Erin, we did make this in my class this morning and it was a hit. I had asked another teacher to come in and help with the assembly of it. It's hard to watch even a small group of kids to make sure they were matching up the right verse to the right picture :) It worked great and a few of their parents exclaimed that they loved it at pick up! Thank you! I posted about it today and linked back to you. God bless.

    1. Hi Noreen

      I tried downloading or printing this from Erin's webpage but are unable to. It says page not available. Are you able to maybe email me the printables please. I would like to do this for our Sunday School kids.

      Thank you in advance.

  43. I loved this! However when I tried to download it, the wordpad version it cut's off half of the documents! Is there another method you have these saved as?

  44. Would you be able to email me the documents? Would love to use for Sunday school. Thanks!

  45. I cannot download it at all. Just get a blank page. I would like to make this with my religion classes. Can you email it to me at :

  46. What a great project! I would love to do this with my 4th grade class next week!! I am having the same problem as the people above with the downloads. can you possibly e-mail me the documents?

    Thanks so much for your hard work!!! :-)

  47. I was able to cut and paste the pages from scribd for the pictures, but not for the eggs/words.
    Could I please get these e-mailed to me?

  48. I also had trouble with the eggs. In the updated download the first two eggs are blank. This is awesome though! Thanks so much! If you could email them that would awesome!

  49. Wow this is a great project, thanks for publishing it. I'd like to use it for my 3rd grade PREP class but can't download them. If you are able to email them to me I'd really appreciate it.

  50. The top two eggs are verses. I think some verses are missing. Might you be able to help? Thanks!

    thissimplemom at gmail dot com

  51. This is a beautiful project! I would love to do it with my little one, and perhaps with my Children's Church group. However, when I try to download the google doc it is only available as a ODT file. Which my computer cannot open? I know you are probably swamped with this right now, but I would love them emailed to me if at all possible. Thank you so much!
    aliveagaintoday at gmail dot com

  52. This is awesome, but I can't seem to open the downloaded file (as I see from others). So as Jes said, if you have time I would also love to have it e-mailed to me, but totally understand if you don't have time!

    Thanks! Peggy

  53. Hi, I love this idea. I would love to use this with my Kindergartners this week but I can't print it it. The file does not show up. Please if you have time, could you email it to me at

    Thank you ,

  54. Thank you for creating such an awesome printable. Unfortunately, I can't download it on either link. Can you email it to me if you get a chance at I would love to create it with my kids this week. Thanks again for sharing HIS light with the world. Blessings!

  55. Hi Erin, Thanks so very much for sharing this - it's perfect for the children. Sadly, I can't view/download it via google docs (drive) - I get a blank page. Are you please able to email it to me. Thanks in advance.

  56. Found your awesome creation on Pinterest--but I seem to have the same issues as others (downloaded, but ODT file won't open).

    Today's a snow day (lovely MN weather) and my 14yo daughter is excited to make it for the family, and I'd love if you could email it...

    Thanks in advance!

  57. I can't download the google you have another link? I would love to do this with my kids or even my CCE class.


  58. Would you mind sending these to me in email? I absolutely love this and was hoping to use it at our Easter party at church! I tried google docs and it came up blank. Thanks so much for sharing this!!!

  59. whoops my email is!!

  60. Erin,
    Thanks for your great blog and sharing your ideas! We are going to use the Easter wreath this Sunday for our Sunday school classes as we move into Holy Week. We really appreciate the fact that you moved the documents to Google docs so that we can get them free.
    THANKS so much!
    Be Blessed!
    Sheri E., Director of Christian Education

  61. This came up blank on the new google docs for me also. I love this idea and thank you for sharing freely. Any other ways to get these to print?

  62. I absolutely LOVE this but I cannot get it to print! :(

  63. Love this!! Thank you so much for taking the time to put this together and for making sure that there is a free printing option! One thing, the scripture page has two blank "eggs".

    Bod Bless!

  64. This looks amazing but I can't get it to print - it just comes up blank :( Is there any way I can get it emailed to me? ? Thanks so much!

  65. Thank you so much for this! And too for making it available for free! Blessings to you & your family

  66. Hi Erin, like many others I loved it and want to do it with my kids for easter, but unfortunetely can't open the files, is it possible to get them by email.
    Thnk you very much


  67. For those of you who find that 2 eggs are blank, they really aren't. The words are hidden behind the egg. If you click on the egg, you will get the image menu. Find the one that says, 'send back'. Click it a few times, until the words appear. Hope this helps.

    Thanks so much for sharing this.

  68. Hi-

    I love this! I was hoping to do it with my daughters and childcare kiddos this week. I can't seem to get your google docs to print though. It just comes up blank. Would you mind emailing it to me?

    Thank you!

  69. Hi,

    I really love this idea and wanted to do this with my son this weekend. However, I can't seem to get the file from google docs. It comes up empty. Any other way of getting this? Email it to me perhaps at

    Thank you so much!


    1. For me, it comes up empty in an internet tab, but in the lower left corner it shows the download. Click on it, and it should pull up in a Word document. HTH!


  70. Thanks so much for this! I teach Sunday School this Easter and this craft is perfect.

    I would love to subscribe but I don't see a subscribe by e-mail? I am a blogger myself, but I am kind of new and don't really get the other ways of reading blogs. I'm always afraid I'll miss something that way!

    For those of you who say that "it comes up empty":
    For me, it came up empty in an internet tab, but on the lower left is the download. Click on it, and it should come up in Microsoft Word. HTH!


  71. I am from Brazil and Thanks so much for sharing this with us, this craft is perfect. God bless you!!

  72. I have a Mac and have tried the previous suggestions of downloading as I am not a subscriber to Schibd. I can't produce anything. Can this be emailed to me at


  73. This looks like a great idea but unfortunately when I downloaded it, it opened up blank. Is there anyway to email it to me as well?

  74. Thank you so much for making this available via google! I was able to download without a problem.

  75. After reading that it worked for Autumn Jones, I tried downloading it again. This time I tried to open the file from the internet tab instead of saving it, and it would not open for me that way either.

  76. I love the idea, but I too am unable to get anything but a blank page from google docs. Any way you can email me the files as well? I tried to screenshot, but they come out sort of blurry. Sorry, as if you are not busy enough. Thanks in advance, if you can email them to

  77. Would love to use this with my students this week. I saved it from Pinterest and I just tried downloading and it will not work. Can you email it to me?

    Thanks, Stacy

  78. Thank you for making this free and something we can do every year. It is a lovely idea.

  79. Thank you so much for sharing this for free!!! Can't wait to do this with my son this week.

  80. Erin, I am trying to print your great pages, but they are coming up with a dark grey background. Has anyone else had this same problem?
    Thanks for sharing!

  81. I'd love to do this craft this week- can you email it to me at I also cannot get it to open and I have tried several different things. Thanks! Kelly

  82. Erin, I would love to do this with my kids this week. Of course, I waited until Monday morning to try to print! The Google docs are empty pages.... would you please repost or email them to me at damselandfamily AT gmail DOT com? Thank you so much!!!

  83. Can you email them to me. Mine are coming up blank too.

  84. Thank you so much. This is beautiful. My daughter and I made one for each of the grandparents for their homes as well as ours. Means so much more to her as a hands on retelling of the Passion.

  85. Thank you Erin for a beautiful way to tell the Easter story.

  86. Thanks for this awesome idea! We will be using for our Easter Sunday Children's Liturgy!

  87. What a great idea! I'm excited to do it but it downloads blank pages :( Any solution?

  88. Hello! I am Christina, a kindergarten teacher from Greece. Thank you very much for this wonderful idea! :))))

  89. Erin,

    Thank you for this creative and meaningful activity. I am so looking forward to using it with my students. However, I am having the same problem noted above. When I open the document in google - it's blank. I've tried opening it through word as well, but have been unable to do so. If you could please let me know an alternate method of downloading or if you could email it to me I would greatly appreciate it. You can email it at

    Thank you,


  90. Has anyone received an email to print these yet? I requested a few days ago and nothing yet. How about anyone else? If one of you got an email, could you please send it to me?

  91. Same problem and would love an email with the printables!
    Thanks so much

  92. Thank you!! The last set of links worked for me. Once it opened in google docs I had to select "file" and then "download" so I could get a version that could be saved and printed from my computer. Hope that helps those of you that are experiencing glitches...
    Thanks again!

  93. May God bless you for sharing these fantastic idea! I will definitely let my students try making this one. ;-)

  94. Thank you so much for the great family activity! God bless!

  95. Thank-you very much for sharing. I am constantly trying to enhance our Religion curriculum with meaning activities for the students. I am really excited to try this this year!

  96. Great idea but only free when you subscribe!

  97. Thank you for creating and sharing this. I'm also extremely grateful for the extra time you took to make these more accessible by adding them as both Google Docs and Word Docs. You are blessing many with your kindness.

  98. Thank you for the free download update. I had a problem though - the egg printables don't contain the words (they're blank).

  99. Thank you for creating and sharing this!! I am looking forward to doing this with my four littles!!

  100. This is such a very creative craft. I did this wreath too, thanks to you. But the only thing is instead of story, I used Easter quotes from bible for each oval cutout. It works great.

    hugs xxx

  101. Awesome! I saw the one on Oriental Trading and was trying to think of a way to make a less expensive version. Thanks!!!!!

  102. Hi Erin, This is a lovely idea. I have a problem with the eggs and the scripture inside them. The eggs are printing off as blank eggs. I wonder would it be possible for you to e- mail the egg page to me please. Thanks a million, Catherine

  103. Is there a way to get this printable without Scribd?

  104. Hello, when I click on the link it wants me to pay almost $9 to print all of these off. Is there any way around that? I have 6 littles in my house for the next 2 week and I would LOVE to do this craft and story with all of them. Please respond to Thanks!! Jami

    1. I am having the same problem. Please help. Is it really free?

  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. Thanks so much for this great Easter craft. I really enjoyed preparing it and thanks for putting the free version on your site. Happy Easter.

  107. Thank you! I can't wait to share this with my class tomorrow evening. This is a great visual for elementary aged students.

  108. Thank you so much for this craft, the prep of it, and the hard work making it freely accessible! God bless your ministry. Sandra :)

  109. You did a beautiful job drawing these! Thank you for sharing them!

  110. Beautiful! I like yours better than the original and thank you so very much for sharing them for free! Thanks again!

  111. Really impressive for christmas celebrations too

  112. It is wonderful to find your post through Pinterest. It is a beautiful design and helpful teaching material for me. I am a Sunday School teacher teaching preschoolers to Grade 2 kids. It is going to be one of the crafts I will definitely share with my little friends in Easter time.Thanks for your great effort to share your talent to glorify God.

  113. Thank YOU so much for the adorable and meaningful holy week wreath. I really appreciate that you are offering it for free. As I am sure you know, us Sunday School teachers earn lots in love but not so much in dollars :)

  114. Hi there! Loved your printable and would like to link to your page. My blog is called FamiliesThatStick and wanted to offer some meaningful Easter resources. Yours is super cute! Thanks so much!

  115. Thank you so much! Hope to make it this week with our family. Blessings from Holland, Annemieke

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. Hi, I did what you suggested about the eggs but still the verses weren't on there. Is there another way this can be done. I tried Google.
    God Bless & Happy Easter

  118. Please could I have a copy of this emailing to
    Fantastic resource!

  119. Any way that you can fix the problem with the Scriptures on the eggs? I see no way to fix it with a Google Doc. Thanks!

  120. This is great, thanks so much! I couldn't fix the scripture eggs so I ended up editing the eggs individually and just re-typing the text :)

  121. Thank you so much for this lovely idea. We have used it to decorate our classroom door in preparation for Good Friday. The kids enjoyed making it and it made the lesson easier to understand and more interactive. Thanks again. God Bless you.

  122. Thank you so much! I can't wait to use this as a Holy Week activity with my second graders! :)

  123. Can't wait to do this with my kids this week! Such a wonderful activity for young children so they can learn the story of Easter.

  124. My students are working on this as I type. They are thoroughly enjoying the activity as we just discussed Holy Week in great detail. Thank you for sharing this craft!

  125. Beautiful! I am so glad I came across this activity. My students will love it. Thanks for sharing!

  126. this project takes forever was not impressed was a big waste of time

  127. My goodness- I am SOO glad I found this! It is EXACTLY what I wanted for my 3 and 6 year old but didnt even realize it becuse Im just not crative. :) They are going to love making this and the story is so perfectly captured. God bless you!

  128. Thank you so much for this project! When I clicked the link for the eggs, it opened in another tab in my browser (like the other links) and they were blank...but once I downloaded them all and opened them on my computer, the eggs then had the scriptures in them. Hopefully that helps!

  129. Thank you, Thank You, this was the perfect craft for my 3rd-6th grade Sunday School class yesterday.
    I knew that this craft would take time and the younger students may have trouble cutting all of the pictures so I asked a student from that class (she often gets to church early) to cut a few sets and put the pictures in baggies to hand to students that needed that extra help. That worked out so well! The younger student colored and glued, the older students did the whole project. I cut out the wreaths before class.

  130. الان من خلال مؤسسة الاخلاص والامانة يمكنكم الحصول على ارخص اسعار شركة نقل اثاث مكة المتوفره اليكم من خلال الاتصال على هذه الارقام .
    0550018083 _ 0565277186

  131. الان يوجد فى مصر مركز صيانة شارب المعتمد الذى يوفر اليكم العديد من الخدمات المتنوعه ومنها الحصول على جميع قطع الغيار الاصلية بأقل الاسعار .


  132. اقوي العروض والخدمات المتميزه مع شركة سوقني شركة تسويق الكتروني علي اعلي سمتيو وباقل الاسعار في مصر علي اعلي جودة واقل سعر في مصر .


  133. اقوي العروض التي تقدمها الشركة بمستوي عالمي شركة مصاعد جدا الان في مصر استمتع بالكثير من الخدمات المتمزيه في جميع اعمال المصاعد .

  134. شركة نقل عفش بالدمام
    شركة نقل اثاث بالجبيل
    شركة نقل العفش بالخبر
    شركات نقل العفش والاثاث بالدمام والخبر على وجه الخصوص تعددت كثيرا ولكن القليل من شركات نقل الاثاث داخل الدمام والخبر ما زال يقدم الخدمة المنوط بها للعميل فنحن فى شركة نقل اثاث بالدمام وبالخبر افضل شركات نقل اثاث بالدمام والخبر والقطيف والجبيل على مستوي المملكه العربية السعودية وخاصة منها المنطقة الشرقية ونحن ارخص شركة نقل اثاث بالدمام وبالخبر

  135. Thank you for this project. I will be using it for my kids this year. It appears that the comments section of this post may be used as a platform for sharing articles unrelated to the craft.

  136. Thank you so much for making this available to everyone! I've had this pinned for a year or two now, but I just finished printing everything out to make this with my littles this year. I think they're going to really enjoy it! I really like having the scripture references included :)

  137. I love this so much! Thank you!!!

  138. استمتع الان مع اكبر الشركات بالمملكة العربية السعودية شركة العنود من كبري الشركات التي بها كافة الخدمات التي يتمناها جميع العملاء في السعوديةتنظيف خزانات بمكة علي اعلي مستوي من التميز استمتع بكافة الخدمات التي تقدمها اليكم العامالة علي اعلي مستوي شركة تنظيف خزانات بمكة باقل الاسعار .

  139. مجموعة من دار المسنين المتطورة في رعاية كبار السن في دار مسنين بمدينة نصر وافضل التقنيات المتطورة وايضا يوجد رعاية طبيه لجميع كبار السن الموجودين داخل المكان دار مسنين بالمعادي الدار الان يحتوي علي مجموعة من الاطباء المتخصصين في جميع امراض النفسية وغيرها لكبار السن دار مسنين بمصر الجديدة سوف تقوم الاطباء ممارسة جميع التخصصات علي اعلي مستوي .

  140. Replies
    1. شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض


      كشف تسربات المياة بالخبر هي شركة رائدة في مجال الكشف عن التسريبات وهي متمكنه وقوية وبها فريق عمل مدرب تدريب مهني وتعمل الشركة جاهدة علي علاج تسربات المياه بأحدث وسائل العالية التقنية وشركة تسريبات بالخبر لها سمعة طيبه بين عملائها وهذا من سرعة الإستجابة والتنفيذ وبأسعار لا تقبل المنافسة.

      وشركة تسريبات بالخبر تقدم أحدث الخدمات بدقة وجودة عالية وهذا بشهادة عملائها وأيضا لسابقة أعمالها المشرفة والشركة تجاهد بكل طاقتها بالإحتفاظ بالمستوي الراقي في تقديم خدماتها.

  141. فريق عمل متخصص في صيانة واصلاح الاجهزه الكهربائية من صيانه يونيفرسال المتوفره في جميع محافظات مصر وفي اي وقت يمكنك طلب خدمات الصيانة الان في اي وقت .

  142. احصل علي مجموعه من خدمات الصيانة والتركيب للاجهزه الكهربائية من صيانة جنرال اليكتريك حيث انها متخصصه في تلك المهام وتقوم بتدريب العمال علي احدث الطرق والاساليب الان في مصر بالمتابعه من خبراء صيانة جنرال اليكتريك تواصل معنا الان لمعرفة المزيد .

  143. نعرف احتياجات العميل واختياراته لذلك نوفر الانواع التي يحتاجها من الاجهزه الكهربائية في صيانه يونيون اير حيث يمكنك الاختيار من بين الكثير من الانواع والاشكال التي تتناسب معك وباقل الاسعار .

  144. تعلن شركة اسفلت عن توفير افضل الاساليب المتطورة التي تتم علي ايدي امهر الخبراء والمهندسيين في السعودية في مقاولات عامة تتم باحدث الادوات الخاصه بنا وباقل الاسعار الان التي تميزها عن غيرها من الشركات .

  145. تعرف علي اقوي العروض من صيانة كاريير التي تقدم لعملائها مجموعه من احدث انواع التكييفات باقل الاسعار وباعلي واجود قطع الغيار الاصلية المعمتمدة والمصنوعه تحت اشراف مجموعه من الخبراء .

  146. Thank you so much! This is a great craft!



  148. برنامج حسابات شركات المقاولات

    قوى بالاضافة الى ان سهل ومرن فى الاستخدام مقدم الان فقط من شركة ديكسف للبرمجيات وهذا البرنامج يمتاز باضافات كثيرة تخدم اى شركة من شركات المقاولات وتساعدها على التعامل مع المشاريع التى تقوم بالتعامل معها وان تحسب تكاليف كل مشروع على حدا هذا بالاضافة الى ادارة المخازن وربط كل مخزن بالمشروع المخصص له وربط المخازن ببعضها
    استمع الان الى شرح الفيديو على

    برنامج محاسبة

  149. يمكنك الان الحصول علي عروض خدمات شركة تنظيف بالدمام علي ايدي خبراء متخصصين يقوموا بالتنظيف بدقه عالية دون تعرض اي قطع اثاث للتلف .

  150. wonderfull article thanks for sharing keep up the good work

  151. You are amazing Erin, thank you for this meaningful craft! We will use this Sunday in 3rd grade Faith Formation. My sincerest gratitude to you!

  152. شركات نقل العفش الشركة المصرية لنقل الموبيليا نحن افضل شركة نقل موبيليا فى القاهرة لاننا نستخدم احدث الطرق لنقل العفش بامان تام وبدون اى اضرار وخدماتنا شاملة نقل عفش بدون اى متاعب او اضرار لاننا نتميز دائما بالرقى فى التعامل مع المنقولات وخدماتنا تشمل الاتى..........
    نقل الاثاث من والى اى مكان داخل وخارج القاهرة
    _عمالة يدوية مدربة
    _نجارين محترفين لفك وتركيب جميع الغرف بدون ما يحدث لها اى اضرار
    _فنيين تكييف على اعلى مستوى وفريف تغليف متكامل
    _مندوبين لمعاينة العفش قبل نقلة
    _سيارات نقل مغلقة للحفاظ على الاثاث من اى اضرار تلحق بة او عوامل الطقس المؤثرة

  153. I love your Easter story graphics! I printed them out, coloured them, and taped them to my front window on Easter weekend so that the story of the REAL meaning of Easter could be shown. I will make the wreath next time! Thanks so much for your blog! God bless you! ~Janet in Canada

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  160. شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض


    كشف تسربات المياة بالخبر هي شركة رائدة في مجال الكشف عن التسريبات وهي متمكنه وقوية وبها فريق عمل مدرب تدريب مهني وتعمل الشركة جاهدة علي علاج تسربات المياه بأحدث وسائل العالية التقنية وشركة تسريبات بالخبر لها سمعة طيبه بين عملائها وهذا من سرعة الإستجابة والتنفيذ وبأسعار لا تقبل المنافسة.

    وشركة تسريبات بالخبر تقدم أحدث الخدمات بدقة وجودة عالية وهذا بشهادة عملائها وأيضا لسابقة أعمالها المشرفة والشركة تجاهد بكل طاقتها بالإحتفاظ بالمستوي الراقي في تقديم خدماتها.
